Your Heat theme map
- Number of characters: 5829
- Number of words: 916
- Percentage of complex words: 19.76%
- Number of sentences: 48
- Number of paragraphs: 15
- Syllables per word: 1.7
- Words per sentence: 19.1
- Gunning-Fog index: 15.537
- Flesch reading ease level: 41.817
- Flesch-Kincaid grade level: 12.168
data (17) |
people (8) |
highly (5) |
assessments (4) |
link (11) |
large (5) |
government (4) |
good (3) |
contactpoint (6) |
ecaf (5) |
subjective (3) |
concerning (3) |
health (5) |
agencies (3) |
young (3) |
systems (2) |
children (4) |
information (3) |
trust (2) |
does (2) |
like (3) |
contain (2) |
protection (2) |
review (2) |
personal (2) |
number (2) |
mental (2) |
justice (2) |
simply (2) |
sensitive (2) |
corporate (2) |
department (2) |
source (2) |
wrong (2) |
law (2) |
were (2) |
policies (2) |
order (2) |
services (2) |
paedophiles (2) |
http://www (2) |
practice (2) |
lives (2) |
considered (2) |
yes (2) |
approach (2) |
existing (2) |
users (2) |