Your Heat theme map
- Number of characters: 167090
- Number of words: 25515
- Percentage of complex words: 21.75%
- Number of sentences: 1050
- Number of paragraphs: 400
- Syllables per word: 1.8
- Words per sentence: 24.3
- Gunning-Fog index: 18.421
- Flesch reading ease level: 28.432
- Flesch-Kincaid grade level: 15.330
elections (292) |
voting (194) |
voters (119) |
seats (103) |
systems (198) |
party (144) |
votes (112) |
government (97) |
parties (181) |
percent (112) |
turn-out (99) |
different (80) |
fptp (117) |
list (100) |
voter (80) |
labour (63) |
vote (101) |
constituency (86) |
coalition (63) |
parliament (61) |
election (86) |
london (64) |
stv (61) |
candidates (56) |
electoral (72) |
new (62) |
greater (57) |
2007 (52) |
general (62) |
wales (57) |
number (54) |
ireland (49) |
political (59) |
ballot (54) |
ams (50) |
northern (46) |
assembly (54) |
elected (51) |
people (46) |
european (45) |
scotland (52) |
governments (47) |
invalid (45) |
2003 (45) |
impact (49) |
small (45) |
scottish (45) |
proportionality (44) |